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& Ondjou APU
Aufbau von Anti-Wilderei-Teams für Naturschutz, Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und sozio-ökonomische Entwicklung in Namibia
Junior Krav Maga+MMA
SurvivalZone Security Academy / Urban Training Center / Klein Windhoek
SurvivalZone Security Academy / Wilderness Training Center / Kunene Region
Rates & Times:
See under "Rates & Times"
Age group: From 12 to 18 years
The students can join our senior KravMaga = CTS KravMaga classes from the age of 18
About Junior KravMaga+MMA
In Junior KravMaga + MMA we practise Krav Maga "in Mixed Martial Art Style" for the purpose of self-defense adjusted to this age group. Secondly, this training is creating a strong base for getting into the senior classes of CTS (Crime+Terror Survival) Krav Maga. The full CTS KravMaga classes can be joined from the age of 18. - All Krav Maga techniques and tactics needed for self-defense against unarmed attackers are covered in the junior classes - only weapon techniques or techniques which could cause serious injury or even death to an attacker are reserved for the Senior CTS Krav Maga classes.
Mixed martial arts (MMA) is highly useful for Krav Maga, because it is a contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground, from a variety of other combat sports.
Because MMA uses only the most efficient techniques for unarmed combat out of karate, kickboxing, judo, Brasilian jujutsu, Jiu Jitsu, wrestling, boxing and thai-boxing, it is generally accepted as the “the royal discipline” of all martial arts. This is also the reason why the most efficient self-defense system, CTS Krav Maga, is using the techniques and experiences developed in MMA for self-defense purposes.
Junior KravMaga+MMA is a semi contact sport with strict rules, eliminating the hardest techniques like elbox strikes etc from competitions. A trained Krav Maga+MMA fighter can not only compete in MMA competitions (semi and full contact) but can also successfully participate in Kick boxing, Thai Boxing, Judo, Jiu Jitsu and submission grappling competitions.
Classes are teaching:
Grappling, using the best of submission wrestling (including chokes and armlocks), Judo and Brasilian Jiu Jitsu for self-defence and competition fighting.
Striking, using the best of Thai / Kickboxing for effective self-defense and competition fighting.
The advantages of Junior KravMaga+MMA are:
It gives the opportunity to practise semi-contact mixed martial arts fighting with low risks of injuries.
It develops ALL physical abilities, fitness and strength of a kid much more than the common martial arts (e.g. like judo or karate).
It is well known as an excellent tool to develop not only physical but also mental strength, self-confidence and self-dicipline.
Because the juniors get used to fight (under controlled conditions) they tend to be calmer, more relaxed, less frustrated and less aggressive than other kids.
It mentally prepares a teenager at an early stage to handle “the tough sides of life” with self-confidence and a healthy fighting spirit.
It is an important preparation and an excellent base to learn the "royal discipline" CTS Krav Maga in the senior classes from the age of 18.
Junior KravMaga+MMA recognizes progress through training like in karate with the belts worn to the krav maga uniform according to
Practitioner Level - five levels, P1 to P5
Graduate Level - five levels, G1 to G5
Expert Level -five levels, E1 to E5
E5 is the highest rank which can be reached through gradings. Ranks are awarded on the basis of the assessment of the chief instructor who is continuously observing the performance of the student during training classes.
Crtiteria are:
Training discipline and regularity - Tactical skills - Effectiveness and quality of combinations - Speed, power and precision of basic techniques - Ability to improvise, to modify techniques and combinations in order to adjust to changing conditions - Number of attack scenarios the student can effectively respond to in good quality
On average, 6 to 12 months are required to achieve a full grading if the student turns up regularly for training.